Have Cricut will travel -- to your house --church -- school -- classroom - or ???

Hello Cricut owners! Isn't this a great machine!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I too have been bitten by the Bug! So much so, that I have over 100+ cartridges. I love each and everyone of them for their own unique and fun images.

But, when I first got my machine 2 years ago, I was sooo frustrated learning all the buttons, sizing, pressure, blade dept, etc., etc., etc. I decided to take some classes. But to my surprise there were very few classes available. So, I spent hours on the Internet jumping from blogspot to blogspot, YouTube videos, websites, and hours cutting. That's when I decided to become a Cricut teacher and gather all my acquired knowledge and share it with other people. I have taught at scrapbook stores, community ed programs, scrapbook crops, for Creative Memories Consultants and this past summer I was trained by Provo Craft to demo the Cricut Cake; Gypsy, V1, Expressions and Yudu at JoAnns, Michael's and Best Buy.

Through all my teaching, I learned that people would love to own more cartridges and make more things, but because of time and budget cuts their machine is collecting dust and sits untouched for hours, days and even months!

Thus, my new adventure -- "Cricut on Wheels". Yep! I'm hitting the road with my 100+ cartridges, bringing them to a home, school, church or classroom near you! How does it work?! Gather 10 or more people in one place with their machines,lots of paper and adhesive ready to enjoy a few hours cutting images from my 100+ cartridges.

For more details email me at: cindyi@comcast.net